Sunday, April 24, 2016

Ken Burns Misses The (Nursing) Boat

Most people have probably heard of Ken Burns, the famous filmmaker; and many people who know about Ken Burns have heard of his four-part cancer series, "Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies."

Having just finished watching this six-hour cinematic expose on the history, research, treatment, diagnosis, and future of cancer, I found myself feeling let down; and why was I feeling let down? Because, in six hours of "edutainment," Burns failed to feature or pay attention to a single nurse throughout the entire program. Once again, the mainstream media gives nurses the cold shoulder, pushing them summarily into a dark, quiet corner where their opinions, actions, and life-saving skills and knowledge are basically ignored.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Nurse Change Agents Can Mix It Up

Nurses, when you're at work, do you feel like there are things that need to change? Are there processes, policies, or nursing procedures that everyone follows but seem woefully inefficient or old school? Are people at work stuck doing things the same old way just because no one has taken the initiative to pivot and alter the pattern? That can be frustrating, especially if you're a natural born nurse change agent.

Friday, April 01, 2016

Nurse Keith's April Fools' Day Instagram Roundup

Hello, friends! In honor of April Fools' Day and the end of an intense week of nursing, coaching, writing, and running a small business as a nurse entrepreneur, I thought I'd share some fun images that are up on my Instagram feed. I've been having loads of fun on Instagram, checking out what nurses are up to on that image-driven platform; I wanted to share some of the fun here on Digital Doorway with those of you who may not yet be playing over there on IG. Enjoy, and happy April Fools' Day!