Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Nurse Laid Low

Alas, a sick day for the dedicated nurse. Calling in sick is always fraught with worries: Will my colleagues be overburdened while covering for me? Did I forget some earth-shatteringly important appointment? Will my voicemail-box be full when I return to work tomorrow?

Nonetheless, I must go to school tonight and deliver some semblance of an educational experience for my students, sore throat be damned! I think I'll eschew the usual lecture for small-group collaboration.....Hmmm.

So here I am, home on a rainy and cloudy day, snuggled in a blanket in the living room. Sleep is a useless endeavor as the guys from the heating company install a new $5000 furnace in our basement, banging away like there's no tomorrow. The old furnace came within a hair of exploding (really!) so we are happy to spend many thousands to avoid untimely deaths. (As Mark Twain once said, "Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated".)


Anvilcloud said...

The first day back after a sick day or two was always hairy for me too. And we're still recovering from a $4000 (almost) air conditioner.

swamp4me said...

Take care of that throat! Back in my teaching days the thought of taking a sick day terrified me. What would await me when I returned? Would the sub make the kids do the work I had left for them or would the day be a total waste? Yikes!! It's a crazy world we live in when we feel we can't take a day off to take care of ourselves...

Anonymous said...

think of it this way: getting sick is your body's way of telling you YOU WORK TOO DANG HARD and to take some down-time. So I hope you're listening to what your body has to say and stop worrying about things you cannot control.