Friday, March 11, 2005

A Week Well Done

The work-week comes to a close as fresh snow falls (once again) on our little abode. We are in our frequent postures---laptops on laps, fire in woodstove, dogs snoring, bellies full. This is redundancy I can live with!

With cancellation of my teaching obligation due to snow this past Tuesday, no other evening obligations all week, topped off by a brief overnight visit by our son and his girlfriend last night, I end the week with an unusual feeling of refreshed energy, no burn-out sensations in sight. Fatigue, yes, but a feeling of having lived well and embraced life all week with an appropriate attitude adjustment in operation.

Many stressful patient scenarios presented themselves this week but somehow I managed to stay above the fray. What is the magic ingredient that manifested this ability, you ask? Damned if I know, but I'd like to bottle it for future use when needed, kind of like a "Break This Glass in Case of Entropy" toolkit. But seriously folks, it was just one of those moments in time when the planets were aligned, my humors were in balance, I was not plagued by excess melancholia, and the stress just wouldn't stick, so to speak. While some people did push my buttons at times and I occasionally ran around like a mad chicken, there's a level at which the week did not exact an emotional and physical toll, and for this I'm exceedingly grateful. The weekend can begin with a willingness to enjoy, produce, relax, and create, all in the embrace of a loving home and a relationship which feeds my soul and spirit. That is priviledge of the highest order.

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