Monday, January 29, 2018

Hispanic Nurses On Fire

I recently spent an incredibly inspiring and powerful weekend with 100 Latino nurse leaders who gathered in San Antonio, Texas for the inaugural National Association of Hispanic Nurses Leadership Institute. This spirited group of forward thinking nurses of all ages clearly demonstrates that unity, organizing, critical thinking, and planning for the future are part and parcel of enlightened 21st-century nurse leadership.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Nurses, Gallup, and Amplifying Your Voice

Well folks, nurses did it again. According to the newly released Gallup poll, we're still the most trusted professionals in the United States! Let's face it - the nursing profession rocks.

Gallup poll - nurses are #1

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

The BSN Requirement -- A Legislative Sea Change

Do you believe that nurses should be required by the government to have a BSN? Well, the tide is turning and a massive sea change is inexorably underway since New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo signed such legislation into law on December 19th, 2017. It's called "BSN in 10", and the consequences will be widely felt by the nursing profession in the wake of this controversial move that was 14 years in the making.

BSN in 10?