Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

As 2014 comes to its natural denouement, and the limitless possibilities of 2015 begin to stir in our hearts, I want to wish everyone in the Nurse Keith and Digital Doorway communities a wonderful, healthy, prosperous and robustly satisfying 2015.

Bosque del Apache Wildlife Preserve near Socorro, NM

Thank you for your comments, kindness, encouragement, and engagement over the course of 2014, and I hope to connect with as many of you as possible in the coming year.

If you're moved to do so, please sign up for my newsletter at in order to keep abreast of the new offerings and events that will be coming your way in the months to come.

Happy New Year to you and yours, and all the best to you, now and always.

Nurse Keith

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