Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Nurses Rock Santa Fe!

On Monday, December 8th, 2014, at the legendary Jean Cocteau Theater in Santa Fe, New Mexico, six nurses told gripping stories of nursing, and personal/professional challenge and transformation.

The nurses and facilitators basking in applause

Sally Jean Fox and Mary Rives are Certified Therapeutic Monologue Facilitators, and they guided us six nurses through an intensive five-day workshop of introspective writing, storytelling, improv, and the crafting of ten-minute monologues that we shared on stage on the fifth night of the process. The workshop and performance is called "Nurses Speak", and we nurses who took part in the experience will never be the same.


Nurse Keith and his gifted wife, the facilitator and coach, Mary Rives

Mary Rives and Sally Jean Fox, Facilitators Extraordinaire

Keith with Sally Jean Fox, his monologue coach

Nurse Keith on stage during his monologue

This process was transformational for me. As an accomplished public speaker, the weekend of coaching (and cajoling) from Sally and Mary brought me to a much deeper level of authenticity, allowing me the opportunity to share my experiences of nursing---and especially of burnout---in a more raw and honest way.

It was a triumphant and memorable night at The Jean Cocteau Theater. If you'd like to experience what we six nurses experienced here in Santa Fe, you can bring "Nurses Speak" to your city, town, or facility, please contact Ms. Rives and Ms. Fox for more information.

And here's a recent podcast interview with Mary and Sally on RNFM Radio, where they wax poetic about their passion for working with nurses.

Nurses, it's time to speak out and tell your story!

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